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Whether your preference is coastal, cozy, luxury, downtown or the unusual, our operators take great pride in their establishments and are ready to help you have a memorable vacation. Search by month of stay.
Discover Prince Edward Island
Getting Here is Easy
A Place for Everyone
Yes, Prince Edward Island is small in size, but you’ll be surprised by the abundance of adventure and activity that awaits. Explore our fishing villages, charming small towns, sprawling farming communities and thriving urban centres.
North Cape Coastal Drive
Beyond red cliffs and miles of coastline, here you’ll find houses made of bottles, a giant potato that stands 14 feet high, the Oyster capital of the world, happy Griswold and an entire alpaca herd and so much more.
In this seaside city, you are never more than a few minutes by coastal boardwalk or cycling trail to local restaurants and cafes, historic buildings, cultural attractions and entertainment.
Red Sands Shore
Green Gables Shore
The quaint fishing villages and rural communities of the north shore inspired L.M. Montgomery’s Anne of Green Gables. Discover sandy beaches, amusement parks, coastal trails, world-class music and culinary delights.
Feel the energy of this capital city with the perfect combination of historic and new architecture and accommodations. Discover classic pubs, fusion restaurants, modern coffee shops and cafes, festivals and events, live music and world-class theatre.
Points East Coastal Drive
The eastern end of the Island is all about the beaches - over 50 just minutes apart. Let lighthouses guide you to phenomenal parks, historic attractions, fine cuisine, artisan studios, festivals and events and welcoming places to stay.
#ExplorePEI Authenticated Traveller Photos
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Take home a new skill and learn about a tradition that has been passed down from generation to generation.
Discover the real Island way of life with an Authentic PEI Experience.
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